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C/O Parsemus Foundation, 2261 Market Street #24, San Francisco, CA, 94114
Hormones help to manage the coordination and functions of all different parts of your body. They send signals that tell your body what to do and when to do it, making them key to our overall health and wellbeing.
There are over 50 hormones that have been identified by researchers and these are what make up our endocrine system.
One of the best ways to think about the endocrine system is to picture an orchestra. All the different sections of an orchestra play an important role in making sure music is being played in a way that sounds good. If a section of the orchestra is missing, is low on numbers, or even if a single instrument isn’t tuned properly, the orchestra as a whole won’t be able to perform at its best. This is a bit like the endocrine system. If a person’s hormones are out of balance, or a particular hormone isn’t at the level it should be, it can have an impact on the whole endocrine system and in turn, the whole body.